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End of Life & Hospice Support

How we can be of service...

Needing a break to step back into the sacredness of the dying process with your loved one? Caregiving during end-of-life can be challenging & exhausting where one often needs to take that step away from the hands on daily care of a loved one to prevent burnout.  Our hospice and end of life nursing care is meant to offer a temporary reprieve for a primary caregiver who is needing a break from caring for their loved one, no matter the reason. 


Benefits of nursing care include:​

  • It serves both the needs of the caregiver and patient.

  • It reduces stress by knowing a registered nurse will step into the role of the caregiver temporarily.

  • It helps prevent caregiver burnout especially for close family members providing daily care for their loved one at end-of-life.

  • Expert RN oversight to work alongside with current hospice providers and provide that extra attention.

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